The ADHD Coach works with All Aspects of ADHD.
Chana Klein's clients are children, teens, and adults, parents, and students. Chana listens beyond the obvious. She hears what you are really saying as well as what you are NOT saying. Chana has overcome these challenges personally as well as having worked with her clients to do the same and to have the life that they and their family never dreamed was possible.Chana coaches you to do it YOUR way
- To find your own truth
- Overcome Procrastination
- Overcome Stuckness
- Overcome Impulsivity
- Overcome Indecisiveness
- Relationship Issues
- Sleep Issues
- Anxiety/Depression/Panic
- Addiction

Chana has ADHD and because of her undiagnosed ADD and dyslexia, at age 16 ½, she was still not able to read.
She has discovered tools within the ADHD brain wiring that she calls “The ADD Advantage” which have helped her to become very successful — her way.
Chana works with her clients to uncover their own way to success and to have the life that neither they, nor their family, ever thought was possible.