What Clients Say

The names have been omitted to protect client confidentiality.ape530759_1920

My Dear Chana,
Thank you for being a healer and a weaver who is helping weave my family’s lives together with health and light!You have helped my son more in three weeks than years, and years, and years of therapy.

~ Parent of 12 year old

Chana worked with me to get into a “regular” class and now I am very popular in my grade. My average test score is now over 90% and I am an A student. I have also gotten a lot better at sports. But most of all, I have found the real me. After working with Chana, I actually express the real me.
She has helped me to find my true self.

~ 12 year old boy with ADHD


The educational and psychological shifts in our son were staggeringly positive… seemingly miraculous!!! He became motivated, focused, and committed to his own success.
With Chana Klein’s continued and completely dedicated support of our son throughout the year he has done incredibly well. His grades are in the A high B range. His academic success has astonished the school administration and his teachers. Now, he is generally happy, upbeat, positive, and setting his sights on more success!!
Our most heartfelt thanks to Chana Klein.

~ Parents of 11 year old

I am blown away by how proud I feel about how much sense my son is making and what a joy he is to be with after working with you for just a few months. We are thrilled to hear him sounding so with it, so sensible, so smart, so thoughtful and reflective. We thank G-d that he is working with you and that you are helping him to transform into an outstanding person. It is really quite miraculous.

~ Parents of 18-year old

In sessions in which the whole family met together, Chana was very skillful in helping us to express our needs and feelings, and without taking sides.
She helped us all to feel as if we were understood.
She also turned our hopes into concrete goals that we were all able to work on.

~ Parents of 16 year old girl with ADHD

To express my feelings would be really tough ‘cuz they’re overflowing!!
But– I’ll try!! When we came to you we had a 6-year old boy who seemed soooo hopeless!!!
He was wild, restless, couldn’t stay in one place for more than a second.
The school had had it !!
They clearly said he will need to be put into a school for “special” kids!!!
They were not going to let him remain in the school he was attending.

Then came the blessing from Hashem, through Chana Klein.

Chana, those hours upon hours that you coached me on the phone, you coached the teacher, and yes, you even coached the principal.
The result – a happy striving calm kid.
His reports from the teacher are now EXCELLENT, EXCELLENT, EVERY DAY.
And at home we now have a calm and happy child.
Thank You Chana Klein for giving my son a new chance in life.

~ Mother of 6 year old boy with ADHD

Thank you for the work you have done with my foster child. I am just so wowed by your understanding of how to manage him. I want you to know that you are saving the boy’s life. I am tremendously grateful for that.
You are the only one he speaks to.
It’s incredible that you just clicked with him.
Thank G-d he is in touch with you.
Thank you, Chana for you time, your expertise, and your love and great caring. ~

~ Foster Parent of 16-year old with ADHD

Chana Klein has been coaching both of my sons.
One for over a year, who has a diagnosis “on the spectrum” including major emotional components.
My other son has ADD and although he completed college some years ago, has been struggling to find a job/career. She has been working with that second son for the past year.
She has been working with them to help them deal with their issues day to day, and help them define and obtain their goals. She has made herself available on a daily basis. She responds to their phone calls as soon as she can, which is most often in a matter of hours or sooner. She does this 24/7.
Ms. Klein has also been working with my husband and me, coaching us in how to be more effectively responsive, to facilitate our sons’ growth. She has made us more keenly aware of their feelings, needs and desires. She has also enabled us to better appreciate each ones’ unique strengths and abilities.
Without putting us down, but rather in a loving and supportive way, she has given us insight, that we have a lot of growing to do in our parenting. At the very same time she has pointed out that “we have a very full plate” with these particular children, and that we have been doing a good job. She just helps us to understand how to do our parenting even better. This is quite a delicate matter considering that I have a master’s level degree in social work, and my husband is very accomplished in his profession. So one might think that we are very sophisticated about our parenting; but of course we all know that an education is somewhat beside the point when it comes to these things. Often, the more highly educated the parents, the more resistant they are to any hint of a need to change.
Ms. Klein has handled us with the utmost of sensitivity, and respect.

~ Parent of 23 year old on the spectrum and 27 year old with ADHD

Chana, Thank you so much for being there for me this year, for lighting up my darkness so many times, for understanding my soul…
May G-d bless you with an abundance of life, light and all blessings

~ 24 years old

Dear Chana
There are no adequate words to express our deep felt appreciation for all you’ve done for us. You’ve given us of your time so selflessly and helped us navigate a crucial stage of life that will have everlasting effects.
Only Hashem can repay you for extending yourself to Yidden so generously. In schuss of all you’ve done for us may your life be blessed with only happiness success, good health, and boundless blessing.
Forever grateful . . .
~ 21 year old female client

I had known Chana Klein personally, as a friend for about 8 months, before I went to her for her professional work. I had always found her to be a warm, compassionate person with excellent listening skills.
She works out of her home and I went there with some, but little, familiarity with the techniques she uses. She greeted me at the door with her typical, big, warm smile and welcomed me into her home. We sat in her living room talking and I couldn’t help but notice how pleasant the atmosphere was. From the furniture to the wall decorations to her library, I felt myself to be in a very pleasant, relaxing environment.
I found it quite easy to talk to her and share very personal information.
Chana is one of those uncommon people who naturally exude a persona that is caring, genuinely interested, very compassionate and utterly trustworthy. I shared some very personal details of my life, details which I would take a long time to share with former confidants, whether friends, family, therapists or love interests. Chana, I found, is one of those rare people, who within a very short time enables you to feel safe and open.
After speaking for some time, Chana began doing the actual work. It involved various things in which she used a, literally, hands on approach. She always took care to ask if I felt uncomfortable with what she was about to do. Overall, the experience I had working with Chana was wonderful and tremendously uplifting. I look forward to ongoing work with her.
From Linked-in Rabbi Simcha Weinberg has recommended your work as Coach/Energy Medicine Practitioner at Klein Coaching.Dear Chana,
 I’ve written this recommendation of your work to share with other LinkedIn users.
Details of the Recommendation:
“It is impossible to describe and comprehensively list the extraordinary qualities, disciplines and success stories of Chana Klein. 
Chana brings all her vast skills and personal qualities to everything she does: teaching, story-telling, healing, coaching, counseling, and public speaking. 
Chana immediately connects to the heart and soul of each person with whom she works, helping them connect to their inner qualities and find a rewarding path in life.
Chana is the first person to whom I turn when I need a resource to guide, heal, and direct someone.”Chana is an amazing coach and healer. She combines a love of learning on a wide range of topics and techniques, amazing intuition with a hyper focused curiosity and fearless compassion to help you achieve your goals and get what you want.
Think that resolving your Gordian Knot level problems, or releasing past heavy emotional baggage, or the deeper, hidden, and more powerful baggage you didn’t know existed under that is not possible? It is with someone as experienced, multi-talented and tenacious about helping you understand, release, heal and move forward as Chana.
I wish I would have worked with her years ago.
thanks again for your wisdom, insight and general coaching & humanity excellence today.
I am having fun . . . . guilt free. and enjoying it.
burden has been lightened.
Your deep wisdom pierces through any darkness.
It is your wisdom as well as your kindness that put me on the right road- of life, B”H.
Although I still have a long way to go- the light is there forever shining- and it’s up to me to keep my eyes open and to struggle towards that infinite light.
I was in the midst of darkness when you discovered that road for me,
it’s a road that’s all my own- where I’m my real self and where no one else could step.
I learned from you that if I go deep enough I’ll find the answer; the light is inside me.
I need to trust myself.
I don’t need anymore advice. (just kidding)
You helped me with real wisdom and love, letting me be independent and cautioned me from being dependent on others. I feel so free! and I’m able to protect myself from outside threats (with the exercises you taught me)
I cry when I think that you were the first person who let me be me, who didn’t step over my real self or my feelings, even the most hidden ones. This opened a whole new road for me- an infinite road with endless possibilities.
Your brilliant light keeps on shining and showing me the way to my own potential light.
I appreciate your deep wisdom.
May G-d Bless you and all you do!

~ 24 years old

“Thank G-d I’m totally self-sufficient (emotionally) because of the exercises you did with me. I basically use all things you taught me;
I’m able to relieve myself from pain, negative feelings, and am getting in the habit of being more in tuned with myself and honest with G-d. ”
~ 21 year old female

Chana, lives and breathes, instinct, observation and insight, To believe for a second that her instincts are off, even if only a short moment, is a terrible mistake.
~ From a Rabbi

Chana, Thanks for your help and your caring.”
~ Mom of young Schizophrenic adult

Dearest Chana
Since the day my family came to your for healing and coaching, we felt your unconditional warm, loving care and devotion to to our care and recovery in every way. The work you did with us gave us great hope. You encouraged us and guided us with great wisdom in every area of our lives.
Your understanding to my own problems was so incredible to me. You healed me with such tender loving care! How can I ever thank you appropriately for what you have done and are still doing for me and my family.
You are truly the best healer in the world!! May you be blessed forever and ever!
With deep appreciation,

~ Full time mom of seven – various ages

I am “in action” today as a result of your coaching.
~ Entrepreneur

This is to thank you Chana for a wonderful session last night.
I woke up with a lot of vigor and determination.
I was so excited that I had trouble sleeping last night.
To see clearer into the strands of nightmares that pervade one’s life is a gem, a gem that you, Chana, effortlessly presented to me last night.
Thank you!

~ Attorney

Chana provides continuous support.
She believes in me – oftimes much more than I believe in myself.
Always positive, always with a “can do attitude”.

~ Entrepreneur

Before we began working with Chana, we had seen many different psychologists over the past 9-years, all of whom had excellent credentials and who were highly recommended.
Many of them said to us that there are so many different issues they don’t know where to start or what to do.
Our family gets more done in one session with you, Chana, than we did in nine years of psychologist visits.
You make it a win-win situation. We each walk out feeling like we have accomplished something, especially with my son who is so sensitive. He never before wanted to talk about any of this, not about school, not about life, not about anything. It’s all so tender for him, and so painful.
You got him comfortable and communicating not only with you but also with us.
You got us to open up to him also. It’s amazing how you do that, really amazing!We used to walk out of psychologists’ offices feeling extremely frustrated, and very helpless and hopeless and with you we walk out feeling accomplishment and hope. It’s wonderful.
Thank you Chana for giving us back our son.

~ Parents of 15 year old boy

Chana’s clarity and insights get right to the heart of the matter ~
~ Educator

You are truly committed to my success. Your passion and commitment to do whatever it takes to help has inspired me.
~ Entrepreneur

Chana Klein has been a mirror that I bounce my most important thoughts off of. Our first meeting was a favor she did for me; neither of us knew she would be my coach. It is telling that on that occasion I wept for the first time in many years; after less than an hour she knew me better than a close friend, making me realize that she would help me bring out my latent potential in the most powerful way.
We speak at all hours of the day. What Chana provides for me is a sounding board for all my ideas, so I can discern between true and false. In my grueling transition to adulthood she accepts me totally, but also demands my best, teaching me to love and respect myself.
She has helped me numerous times in negotiating situations; teaching me how to get what I want tactfully and firmly. She has shadowed me at work, helping me to hone my business skills. She has helped me with relationships and with just about any issue that has come up in my life.

~ Corporate employee

You are a great gift to the world, Chana.
Whoever comes to you is blessed with healing angels.

~ 47 year old Mom

You create such a trusting space that I am free to be me – to share my fears, shameful feelings for not doing what I should, or not being where I want to be in my life…and you help me get to a better place.
~ Entrepreneur

Right from the beginning of Chana’s coaching, my daughter’s outbursts at home were greatly reduced and as it continued, she made great improvements in ‘fighting’ her OCD. She has since developed good friendships, found her passion in extra-curricular activities, and has shown that she can accept responsibility as she is maintaining a part-time job while she attends school and doing very well at both
~ Parents of 15 year old girl

After a few months of Chana’s coaching, our son says “It’s like I came back home from another planet.”
~ Parent of 12 year old

Although our son’s problems are long-standing, during the period in which he was coached he had a great deal of support from Chana, and was able to contact her when something upset him and he was unable to share it with us.
~ Parent of 16 year old

On behalf of the Monsey Academy of Girls, I want to take the time to personally thank you for being a shining light to all of us.
Your clarity, insights, and care have left a permanent stamp in our hearts and we will never forget what you have done and continue to do for us.
I must admit, I was nervous introducing the girls to you.
They are a very tough crowd. These teenage girls are rebellious and angry at the world having suffered many tragedies and abuses throughout their lives. They didn’t trust anyone and were verbally abusive and hostile to anyone who tried to make any contact with them.
Teachers who have worked with them for years can’t get their full attention or respect.
Yet you, as their coach, captured their hearts in an instant.
Even I and my husband who live with them are not able to attain their respect as you do.
We wonder how you gained their respect so quickly and have retained it.
The girls are very sensitive to the genuine. They can’t stand phonies.
You are a person who is genuine with them and able to see past their tough exteriors. They respect that.
We are talking about girls who have been kicked out of mainstream schools, done hard core drugs, physically assaulted people and lived on the streets.
Yet, you see past all that and you love each of them no matter how they acted. You make each of them feel special and you truly care for them.
We wonder how you manage to smile for these girls and listen to their problems and accept them with open arms?
The result of your work with each one has been incredible.
Teachers have commented to me marveling at their improvement in behavior and grades.
I too have seen their attitude and behavior transform.
We think you are an angel and cannot explain it any other way.
You managed to be such a guiding force in the lives of these girls.
Only an angel would be able to achieve what you have.

~ Shiri Sher, Dorm Counselor, Monsey Academy of Girls

Wow! You helped me uncover things about which I was completely unaware. And instead of dealing with a surface issue about a job change, you uncovered a broader spectrum of internal questions for consideration…and the possibilities for change.
Thank you. You are a master coach!
~ Coach

With Chana’s coaching, my business activity level had gone up over 40% in the first month and has continued to increase. Now, my biggest challenge today is to find more hours in the day.
~ Entrepreneur

From the first session, Chana was able to make a warm and positive connection with my son. She has a unique ability to speak to young people on their level, and to help turn negative attitudes into more positive and productive ones.
~ Parent of 14 year old boy

Dear Chana,
The mind pictures you helped me create affected me in such a beautiful way. I felt a calmness wash over me. I felt a peace inside of myself that I haven’t’ felt in a very long time.
I also felt much lighter than I usually feel. I wasn’t so overwhelmed anymore and I was very relaxed. I was just ready to let the flow continue and not fight it now that I was taking care of myself.
My face also started to clear up and the pimples and scars I had on my face started to go away.
My cheeks had a rosy and healthy look and I was ready to enjoy life the way it is.
Thank you, Chana.

~ 15 year old girl

Thank you for giving me my ‘get out of jail free’ card for my life.
Thank you, Chana Klein for all this and so much more.
~ Entrepreneur

Because she had a genuine regard for my son, and made this clear to him, he was able to open up to her and talk about his feelings very early in the coach relationship.
~ Parent of 16 yr old

I hired Chana Klein, a true living angel on earth, to do a reading of my face. The first thing she asked me was why I was so stressed, which she saw in my face. I was very, confused and didn’t realize how miserable my life was. She asked to see a picture of my family and saw the true nature of several of my family members. Chana agreed to work with us daily over the phone. Within a month of her amazing coaching our lives changed remarkably.
Thank you, Chana.

~ CEO/Family Member

(Name private – 7th grader) has come a very long way this year and you can take a lot of the credit for helping him get himself on track.
I told that to him already and you can reinforce it if you like.
He has a lot to him, as all people do, and now, after working with you, that is becoming visible to the world at large.
~ Guidance Counselor of Client

I want to tell you how amazed and inspired I was by your skillful coaching. You were right on the money with each powerful question. You were clear, directed, focused, intentional in your questioning, neutral, curious and you inspired confidence due to your competency.
I aspire to that level.
Thank you for your wonderful coaching.

~ Coach

You help me turn down the volume of the voice of judgment in my head and get me into action.
~ Entrepreneur

Thanks to Chana, I made a difficult but life-changing decision to free myself from a situation that was harming me. I know the pain I feel today will pass and I have hope again.
Chana’s coaching gave me the insight, confidence and support to save myself and live. May God bless her and all of the clients fortunate enough to have her insight, strength and light.

~ Business person

Before I began coaching with Chana, I felt like I was living in a fetal position. Her coaching has brought me to standing upright and to being independent. I am even making a lot of money now and I couldn’t have done it without her!
~ Entrepreneur

Thank you for all of your support and concern in the midst of this crisis. It really makes a difference.
~ Parent of 22 year old

I hired you to help my husband and you helped me
~ Spouse of person with Aspergers

Dear Chana Klein,
I wanted to thank you for all of the time you have put into working with me as a client. You know and I know that I have a very difficult circumstance to work with in trying to adapt my learning style, and working style to the corporate work world that doesn’t necessarily tolerate people with various learning distractions.
You also know that I challenge anyone who is in the “help” profession quite intensely because of the very bad experiences I have had in the past.
Many so called “professionals” don’t care to deal with my approach and like to blame me because I am often critical of their techniques.
I have often thrown some of your suggestions and comments back at you. Through this, you didn’t quit trying to help me out. I find very few people who work in psychology or coaching that are willing to fight through tough times like these with me and refuse to take my defiance personally. In that spirit, I must thank you for not wavering in your efforts to communicate with me about what might and might not work.
Something that is not mentioned above is your dedication. I think you have put in more than twice the agreed upon time to work with me, and haven’t asked for a penny for it. It is very hard to trust psychologists, and so called professionals when they say they want to work with people like myself, because they really don’t do anything to “help” if they are not getting paid for it. I understand that is part of the profession, but if you have any mistrust for people in the “help” profession, it makes it really difficult to work with. It is refreshing to have someone with your dedication in the coaching field and in the general field of “helping” people because you get it, that sometimes the “scheduled time” isn’t enough for the person that needs some assistance. I have found you to be both as realistic as possible, and genuine which is something I cannot confidently say about 95% of the “professionals” I have worked with. I really think you should give a talk to some of these people who claim to be in any profession where they claim to “help” others and enjoy it. You demonstrate a true desire to help your clients even when you don’t work with them anymore.
Thank you and I hope there are others that read this and follow your lead.

~ Sincerely, Doug L. (He requested that I put his name)

Chana, thanks so much for speaking with me yesterday evening. I value your perspective because you are the only person I know with such an extensive background in recovery, healing, AND coaching.
Our conversation helped me place my concerns about diverse approaches to recovery in better perspective.
And special thanks for coaching me into giving my own self more credit for my own recovery.
~ Coach

Well, as you know it isn’t every day that you come across someone who is willing to put the time into their work and really take pride into it beyond what they are paid. You do that, Chana. No one has ever shown me the commitment that you have. Because of your coaching, I am now cleaning up some bad relationships I have had and I have taken the actions to get the appropriate help in my situation.

~ Entrepreneur

Chana, I want to tell you how much I appreciate your presence in my life. Your suggestion today regarding structuring the tasks I had to do today is such a simple suggestion but it makes it manageable. I’m so glad I have found you.
~ Entrepreneur

You are a true blessing from Hashem and a very, very special person
~ Nanny

Chana, thanks so much for speaking with me yesterday evening. I value your perspective because you are the only person I know with such an extensive background in recovery, healing, AND coaching. Our conversation helped me place my concerns about diverse approaches to recovery in better perspective. And special thanks for coaching me into giving my own self more credit for my own recovery
~ Coach

Chana, I know I could never have come this far without your loving support. Please know what a gift you are to me and how much I appreciate you.
~ Coach

Wow, that was interesting. I like you, Chana. Your energy is comfortable to be with.
~ Business woman

Chana, your coaching is sooo interesting. It worked on the central ADD question of focus and staying on topic, and not letting little gremlins send us away from where we’re going, as well as on getting down to what really are the central issues. Your way of getting to the essence of things and working up to the rest is amazing.
~ Coach

My desire to write a testimonial for Chana Klein is two-fold: I want to express deep gratitude for her effective and efficient teaching skills and also to encourage others who might benefit from her expertise.
Several months ago, I asked Chana to help prepare me for the ICF oral exam. I knew it was not enough to simply understand the Core Competencies. To earn a credential, I needed to be able to apply them effectively in a coaching situation. After working with Chana, in an amazingly short period of time, I not only better understood the competencies, but also knew what to avoid. And more importantly, I felt confident that I could ask the questions that would best support my client through the session. This was verified as feedback when my evaluator acknowledged me for applying the competencies through skilled questioning techniques – without question a result of my work with Chana.
I have no doubt that working with Chana was responsible for giving me the additional skills I needed to pass the ICF oral exam. Chana is clear, concise, to the point and is a great teacher and coach, in her own right. She can show you how to do the same. Thank you, Chana.
~ Carla Lee (Coach)

Chana, you aren’t one of the majority in your profession who are simply there because it was the easiest thing for you to do, or you just liked saying “I want to help people.” Thank you for what you have done in my work with you. It really is nice to have worked with someone who is genuine, for a change.
~ Educator

Chana, thank you so much for your willingness to set my mind at ease. You’re a warm, caring and brilliant woman and I feel lucky to know you.
~ Coach

Chana Klein you changed my mental outlook within the first 10 minutes of coaching. As defeated as I felt, at the time that can be considered a miracle. For over twenty years I tackled my ADD issues through the traditional means of therapy, medication and the support of good friends within minimal and sporadic success, I decided to investigate coaching. After briefly interviewing several coaches, I knew Chana was unique and life-changing. I now appreciate myself and my potential more. Additionally, I feel I have found someone who validates my feelings, helps me identify my gifts, encourages my progress and shows me how to celebrate both my small and larges success.
Thanks for being such a great partner.
You’re the best!

~ Coach

Subject: [RCICoach] Let’s shower Chana with love & appreciation
From: “Linda A. Marshall” Date: Wed, Aug 08, 2007 11:46 am
Hi RCI Coaches, Relationship Coaching Institute
This is to let you know that Chana Klein is stepping down as a teaching assistant for the Level II and III Couples Coaching Trainings. She has served as a Master Coach Intern or Teaching Assistant for seven Couple’s Coaching Trainings and, as such, has made a significant contribution to the world of Couple’s Coaching. Chana went above and beyond what was asked of her in these roles because of her commitment to you, our students. She wanted to make sure that you understood the concepts behind the tools and had facility in using them. To say that she worked hard preparing for the Training Team labs and in facilitating the work of the Training Team itself is an understatement. She gave a lot of time and energy to her work with us.
Let’s shower her on this listserve with our love and appreciation. And, if you’d like to send a personal message to Chana, her e-mail address is [email protected].
And while Chana has been serving RCI, she has gone on to take numerous coaching trainings and has developed a highly successful coaching practice which integrates coaching and healing techniques.
Because of her successful practice, she has found it increasingly difficult to continue serving as a Teaching Assistant. And so, it is time for her to move on.
Chana began her couple’s trainings with RCI in October 2004 and quickly emerged as a leader in Couple’s Coaching. Her commitment to integrating the tools and skills into her being until they flowed out of her coaching was extraordinary. She specializes in working with clients who have ADHD and/or Aspergers Syndrome. She works with the whole family in addition to the client. She has found the RCI training to be invaluable in her work with, the relationships between parents and their young children, parents and adult children, with sibling relationships as well with couples. She is not afraid to take on difficult and chaotic situations and skillfully moves the family toward cohesion.
Chana is also an energy healer, having studied Chinese and Energy Medicine with Donna Eden and David Feinstein. She also has taken numerous other trainings that integrate the mind, body, spirit medicine. She is in the process of germinating an expansion of her coaching to reach an even broader audience.
For those of you have heard Chana’s personal story of triumph over physical challenges, you know what an inspiration she is. She refuses to allow herself to be limited and has achievements beyond those with no challenges. Her dream is to play basketball again and I, for one, believe she will find a way.
Saying thank you is certainly not enough. And Chana, I want to thank you for all you have given of yourself and your energy to RCI Couple’s Coaching. You will be very much missed. And the very best to you as you continue to work miracles in your own life and in the lives of your clients.
Many blessings,

~ Linda A. Marshall, M.Div.
Director of Couple’s Programs
Relationship Coaching Institute

A few weeks after my first energy session with Chana. I decided to come back again because I had wanted to do energy testing on various medicines and supplements that I take. Then, like a bolt of lightening I suddenly realized that something in my life had radically changed. That was weird, I had been having numerous hot flashes every day for at least a few months already. I was resigned to the fact that I was at that stage of life in which I would have to grin and bear this uncomfortable reality. Well, I still cannot believe it, but the hot flashes are GONE!! The only thing that changed was that I had that healing session. Chana had told me that she balanced my hormones, but I did not expect that whatever she would do could have such a radical effect.
Well now it is a couple of months and still the hot flashes have not returned. Chana gave me some techniques to help maintain this hormone balance, and techniques to do if one does occur. I cannot help but be very impressed. In fact I was so impressed that I have told a number of friends, and some of them have even come to see Chana. They have told me. They thanked me for helping them to find such a highly skilled, humble and caring healer. I am most grateful to Chana for her wonderful help.
~ Psychologist

I had two two-hour healing sessions with Chana Klein. We were addressing a nagging fatigue and aches and pains in the upper body- shoulders, upper back, neck, head, headaches largely in the back of the head. These symptoms have been ascribed to fibromyalgia and I have received help in the past through various modalities. It seemed that the problem had resurfaced and was dragging me down for some months with an accompanying feeling of depression and sadness. So I decided to work with Chana and try her methodology.
Following the second session on November 30th, there was an immediate lessening of all overall pain and complete cessation of many of the troubling pain spots.
I felt more up in mood, no longer fatigued. Certain symptoms did reassert themselves and Chana gave me simple exercises to do at home to bring up my energy or to relax me as needed. Frankly, the most important thing was that I did not feel depressed any more. My energy is more even and stronger. I felt and continue to feel that I can create the life, work, and love that is fulfilling and authentic for me.
~ Yoga teacher

Thank you again for taking time to deliver such powerful information, and thank you for being such an incredible “teacher”. I truly gained so much from my exposure to you!
~ Coach

You might be happy to learn that (8th grade client) did very well on the work he just handed in. He got a B+ on the composition and a 92 on the Shakespeare test. His homework answers were also satisfactory. What a wonderful way for him to end his years at our school! I know you’re proud and you have reason to be so.
~ Teacher of Client

Thank you for uncovering my son’s brilliance.
~ Parent of high school student

What Chana Chaya has given me is the power to look inside of myself when something is wrong or even right- and figure out what it is that is causing my ailment.Through working with me she has taught me that I have the power to fix myself when something is bothering me or when I have pain.
She has helped me heal myself after I went through a trauma, instead of just treating the symptoms.
She has helped me learn how to find the cause of the pain in my body and work from there.
She has helped me understand that pain in the body can be caused from physical, emotional, or other kinds of distress.
She has helped me understand that when working with a person nothing is skin deep and every feeling that person has , whether it be positive or negative is rooted in something else.
She has helped me understand that there is always more to the picture when looking at someone or something, especially when looking at myself.
She has given me the power to heal through her immeasurably beautiful healing and love.
Thank You Chana Chaya.
I use your techniques constantly and they are constantly healing my body and my soul.
I use the energy methods you have taught me time and time again and they always reward me with feeling better almost instantly and even more with repeated use.
Because you have taught me how to do energy healing on myself with love, my body and mind benefit from healing coming from love.
You have taught me how to free myself.
Just today I woke up feeling congested and dizzy and I had a huge headache. Instead of reaching for tylenol or advil, I started to do all of the energy techniques you taught me that I thought might help. Almost immediately my headache started to diffuse, my immune system woke up and my body started to respond. A few hours later I feel back to normal.
I use your techniques for headaches, stomachaches, cramps anywhere in my body, any kind of muscle ache, emotional pain, fatigue, dizziness and any other ailment that feel.
I use your techniques even when I feel great- to feel even better. :)!
You helped me heal a leg cramp that was stopping me from doing what I love to do- running and biking.
You helped me understand that it was caused by a stressful situation I had just gone through and you showed me an energy healing technique to help my body deal with the shock. My leg pain disappeared.
You gave me love when the whole world was black with darkness. You showed me that there was beauty and light.
You helped me give myself and guide myself.
You have helped me learn to love myself.
You are a source of beauty, light, love, a guide, an inspiration for all of us living in this world.
You are lighthouse , a singer, a song, gracious and glowing, emanating love and kindness,
You are a healer, a constructer, a repairer, a fixer, a finder of people and their glory.
You are a giver, a holder of God’s glory, a spreader of God’s love and God’s name.
You are why this world is such a beautiful place, why this world is worth entering, why this life is worth adventuring into.
Thank You for all you are, for all you have been , for all you have been to me.
Thank You for all you are, and for all you have given me
Thank You for your greatness, and for sharing it with this world
Thank You for sharing it with me
Thank You for the opportunity to know you.

~ SLG 23 years old

You are a great gift to the world, Chana.
Whoever comes to you is blessed with healing angels.

~ 47 year old Mom

Dearest Chana,
Since the day I got to know you, I felt your unconditional warm, loving care and devotion to me and my family in every way.
I was so excited and felt such hope.
You encouraged me and guided me with such wisdom in every area of my life.
Your understanding to my problems was so incredible to me.
You healed me with such tender loving care!
How can I ever thank you appropriately for what you have done and are still doing for me and my family.
You are truly the best healer in the world!!
May you be blessed forever and ever!
With deep appreciation,. . .

~ 40 year mom

thanks again for your wisdom, insight and general coaching & humanity excellence today.
I am having fun . . . . guilt free. and enjoying it. burden has been lightened.
hope you’re having a good night

Dear Chana,
Just wanted to let you know that without you I wouldn’t have found any light this Chanukah.
Thanks for being there for me and for helping me find my own inside light no matter the environment/ circumstances. (Just as the Jews did at the second Temple with the menorah). I guess it all has to do with the intentions- which is the real light.
Thanks for everything.
Happy Chanukah & best wishes

~ 22 year old female

Your words today were so full of wisdom. I never realized the extent of your gift.

~ Mother of child on spectrum

After your worked on my mother today, she is present and aware.
She said you were wonderful.
She said that now, she wants to choose life and she would really like another appointment.
I am trying not to care too much, as I see CLEARLY that it’s her choice, and has to be.
But… Praying.
Thank you so much. You are amazing.

~ Daughter of Mom with Dementia

Dear Chana,
I had an amazing experience now. such kind of relief I never experienced before.
After we spoke on the phone I really felt the pain- I let myself feel it- it was really there. I dont know how you knew better than me that I was in pain because of…
I decided to go to the Kotel. on the way going I was crying and on the way back I was skipping.
I held the points you told me to for really long while sitting in front of the Kotel and crying, just letting myself be and feel the pain, loneliness… and praying for whatever I can think of.
It was the real thing- not just whispering through chapters of Tehiliim where you dont feel connected. I just let myself be and it was so thereputic!
I feel like I’m starting to learn how to live and be honest with myself.
Thanks for all your help. It was a miracle I called you today.
Wish you the best! (20 years old)xox
Your story , The Lone Tree, is so beautiful. I really connected. I like that you gave a history and a davar on the Ramchal at the same time you discussed loneliness. There is a lot of information along with the inspiration. So often, the divrei torahs I hear are either for the yeshivish right, peppered with yeshivish hebrew, which I am not up on, or they are all emotion.
What a wonderful blend.
Thank-you for being so selfless in helping me along.
Thank-you for bringing me that much closer to Hashem.

~ Mom of 4 year old

Hi Chana-
Thank you for a great session together. (name protected) loved it! Interestingly, her whole face, especially her eyes, look different somehow…clear, no fear, brighter…it’s amazing! Check out the pic-
We sure are glad Hashem sent us your way. Looking forward to connecting again!

~ Mom of teen

Dear Chana,
You saved me from depression. (in other words you saved my life.)
One morning I woke up, and these are the words I said (sang):
“Modeh Ani…”
Thank You Hashem for returning my soul
Thank You Hashem for returning my life
Thank You for Chana
Thank You for giving me back the taste for life.
(I never said such words before. I usually said: I have nothing to wake up for, I’m not really alive…)
Another day I broke out in a dance and danced like never before, with such vigor and spirit.
Whatever I say is not enough but I want to tell you:
Thank you for taking me out of victim mode.
Thank you for empowering me.
Thank you for guiding me to be my real self.
Thank you for helping me find a source of love in myself.
Thank you for being there for me in such a profound way and for helping me help myself.
Thanks for being my light in the darkness!
Thanks for taking away the darkness.
May you always spread your tremendous light in the world. May G-d bless you with all you wish.

~ B—

Mrs. Klein,
I wanted to share with you that the exercises you taught me last week seem to have really helped and I am much calmer when I am studying under timed conditions.

~ Adult Male Student

Meeting you and having you work on me has truly been one of the biggest blessings in my life. I cannot even begin to describe how wonderful you are and how positive the change has been in my life. I have been able to focus at a level I haven’t been able to achieve in years! I have also had more energy and been able to accomplish tasks more efficiently. My memory has also improved and continues to improve every day. You have helped me to improve my relationships with others (parents/boyfriend/sister). I had been to therapy in my teen years and in just 2 sessions you have done more than what they had tried to achieve in years. I wish words could express how wonderful you are and how amazing your healing power is or how blessed I feel to have met and been able to have you work on me but words would not be enough. Your warm loving care and devotion to healing is unsurpassed. Thank you so much for being a part of my life and for the wonderful things you do. You are truly a blessing and I can never thank you enough for what you have done for me.

~ CMP 30 year old female

First I would like to start off saying how grateful I am and blessed i feel to have had the opportunity to be working with Chana.
My experience with Chana has been rejuvenating. When i first walked into her home i instantly felt comfortable and relaxed. All the self-doubt and uncertainty of making the correct choice for myself instantly disappeared.
We first spoke a little. What is that you want to walk out with today, Shayna?
Chana went deep and the questions she asked me was as if I had to reach into my soul. And I did. I came to the session in a very painful state of mind. I left with clarity and great strength.
It was a big challenge for me to answer each question honestly. That is the most difficult thing for me.
Chana then did some testing to see where my emotional balance is holding. It was truly remarkable. I never fully realized how much unnecessary pain my body carried around for all these years.
Topics came up that I had forgotten about and past situations that I convinced myself that it was no big deal. Chana was able to reach these deep scars by conversing with my body with her testing. This part of the work we did was very emotional but really refreshing. It really helped that Chana was very patient, respectful, and caring. She also explained every stage very clearly, which calmed my inner feelings of insanity. The next stage of our work was none verbal. Chana checked my energy flow through out my body. She gave me some daily exercises to help me redirect my inner energy on a daily bases. She then had me lay down on a table and checked and then healed he shock in my body. She then moved around the energy in my body to flow from my head to toes. This experience was beyond incredible. I felt the energy around in some places stronger then others. As if it’s reaching those places for the very first time.
When I stood up a the end of the session, I felt clear, strong, and ready for anything to come my way. I am a new person.
Thank You Chana for your love, patience, respect, and help.
I look forward to continue working with you in the future.
with lots of love,

~ 24 years old, female

Dear Chana
Just a note to thank you for, well, for just being you! And being great at what you do as my coach… for going consistently going beyond all expectations in terms of time, patience, generosity and for your clear-mindedness… and at the same time, not creating dependency.
For this, I thank you.
I know I will come through this difficult time with grace and dignity.
Love you

~ from another wonderful client

I started stuttering around age five. I was a severe stutterer. I would repeat sounds many times. I would have long blocks where I could not get any sounds out. When I got stuck my face would get distorted. As time went on I most probably got progressively worse.
Throughout my childhood I saw all kinds of speech therapists. Those were the days before schools had therapist for all students and my parents paid allot of money for me to see these people. I had very little long term success with these people. I went through many other programs to alleviate my stuttering but none gave me any long term improvements.
In May of 2011 I started with Chana Klein. She was highly recommended by another rabbi. After my first session I noticed dramatic improvement. My friends were amazed when I spoke to them. I was not stuttering. Three weeks later I saw her again. After these two sessions I was basically fluent. I saw Chana few more times after that. I do daily exercises which help me maintain my progress. They take about fifteen minutes. The quality of my fluency has dropped a bit and I have had a few bad moments but my overall progress has been tremendous. I believe that I am on a path which will totally free me from stuttering.
The benefits of my work with Chana extend beyond the fluency of my speech. Due to my new-found fluency I am not afraid to approach new people and go into new situations. I do not have the stress I used to have about talking. It used to be that even when I spoke well I approached the speaking situation with a lot of stress and anxiety about talking and about how well I would talk. Now I feel calm and confident about speaking and I enjoy speaking.
Another benefit is that I used to expend a lot of mental and emotional energy on my speech. Now I have a lot more energy to focus on my interest. With other programs I expended a tremendous amount of energy on my speech that I do not have to do anymore now that I work with Chana.
I truly feel blessed that I found Chana.

~ from 33 year old former Stutterer